Congratulations on taking the first step towards becoming healthier.
Change is difficult. We often continue on the same unhealthy or unproductive path until it no longer works for us. Some seek therapy to improve their relationships. Others are tired of not living the life they imagined. There can be feelings of anxiety, dread, or hopelessness. People will use existing coping skills or talk to friends or family for advice. This may temporarily work until they find themselves reverting back to the same patterns. It’s a frustrating cycle and can cause people to lose confidence and hope. Therapy is often the last resort.
Society has come a long way to breaking down the stigma of receiving treatment for mental health. Yet, people still have challenges reaching out for professional help. Some feel uncomfortable and awkward talking about their feelings. Others work hard to avoid facing their problems.
I wish people could approach mental health as physical conditions. Imagine if you were experiencing unrelenting migraines which prevented you from engaging in daily tasks and took you away from relationships in your life. Would you be reluctant about seeking medical attention? Would you suffer silently, wishing it would resolve itself?
It’s often challenging to accept that you need help and then find a person who could be trusted to help. This can be a daunting task. Whatever your reason, I’m proud of you for taking the first step towards healing.
YOu are probably thinking…
Why does life seem so difficult?
Why do others seem to “have it together” and I don’t?
Why is it so difficult for me to maintain healthy behaviors?
What if therapy doesn’t help?
What if I’m not strong enough to do the work?
These are normal concerns many clients experience at the start of therapy. Over time, trust can be built, and I find that people are able to relax into the process.
Learn more about my background and approaches.